Gunner, Official Greeter
Gunner is the official BEE Galleries greeter!

Gunner sits patiently by the front door of the gallery everyday waiting to greet and meet every person that comes inside or just passes by the gallery…he knows that most people can’t help but stop and pet him… he sits and waits.
Tourists, missing their beloved pets stop by to get a dose of “Pet Therapy” and to share their pet stories and pictures.
Gunner is a rescued miniature Schnauzer. Ed and I rescued him in 2003 from a puppy mill. He had been abused! He was starved (he was 8 pounds when we got him ...he’s almost 14 pounds now) He had no social skills and he was afraid of people. He lived in a cement floored cage for 2 years with no blanket, no toys, no bed. The only human contact he had was from someone throwing food into his cage and throwing items or hitting him if he barked therefore Gunner doesn’t bark.
With love and affection, Gunner has become the most wonderful companion. By going to the gallery with me everyday, he has been exposed to many wonderful pet owners who lavish him with attention and lots of kind words. It took about 6 months for him to realize that the people he was now exposed to were good people that were not going to hurt him.....after all he has been through I have always been amazed at his gentle and loving spirit... people always comment on his good behavior. The security guards at the Court House call him "the little gentleman." Gunner has made many friends and over the years. Gunner has been photographed by people from all over the world. Many send me pictures and I sincerely appreciate each one and I thank you for sending them.
Artist Martin LaBorde frequently uses Gunner as a model for his original paintings. Gunner was also the model for the Annual Louisiana SPCA 2003 Benefit painting and prints. Visit our print page to see Gunner’s LA-SPCA Benefit print!
Please stop by and give Gunner a pat or scratch behind the ears….He’ll be waiting by the front door
BEE Galleries has worked with artists Martin LaBorde and our other artists in order to raise money and public awareness for groups such as: the Louisiana SPCA, LSU Veterinary School, Monterey Humane Society and several other animal advocate groups. These groups help educate the public to the millions of cats and dogs that are abused or abandoned. The efforts of these groups help raise the question of responsibility of owning a pet. The goal is to close down all Puppy Mills, to rally around officials to prosecute pet abusers, and to provide Pet Rescue! If you would like to donate please select one of our links or contact your local humane society or pet advocate group in you area.
An animal has an instinct about being rescued...they realize they have another chance for a life time home. There are thousands of wonderful cats and dogs waiting for a good, permanent and loving home…being a pet owner holds a very important responsibility to the pet, to yourself and to society.....before adopting think long and hard about the responsibility you are accepting...take it's a lifetime commitment and I promise you, you will have wonderful memories that will last a lifetime!
If you would like your group to be considered in a Fund Raising Event, please contact Becky at BEE Galleries,
BEE Galleries, LaBorde and many of our other artists have raised over $80,000 over the years with the donation of original artwork and the sale of fund raising prints. Please visit our print page.
Thank you
Becky Edwards
Owner, B.E.E. Galleries